Group alerts: No LENA Days for 21+ days

What does this alert mean?

The most recent LENA Day processed for this room was 21 or more days ago.

Why does it matter?

LENA Days are at the heart of LENA Grow coaching and goal setting. If the room isn't doing LENA Days, the teachers aren't getting the objective feedback they need in order to find strengths and set goals for increasing interactive classroom talk for all children.

If the sequence is finished, then this is just a reminder to close out the room to keep your data clean and easy to work with.

How can I fix it?

What to do depends on the situation.

  • If you also see a Stalled recordings alert, address the Stalled recordings issue first.
  • If the room did a LENA Day but the devices haven't been processed, go ahead and process the devices.
  • If the room has gotten off track on LENA Days and coaching sessions and you have questions, concerns, or challenges, let your LENA Implementation Specialist know or contact LENA Support (see sidebar). Otherwise, pick your next LENA Day, and go for it!
  • If the room has completed its sequence,'s time to cross that finish line and close out the room! Put on your party hat and get ready for confetti!