Assign a user to a group (Admin only)
Connect one or more users to a group via the groups screen.
You will need:
- Administrator permissions in LENA Online
- An existing group
- An existing user in or above the organization this group belongs to
- About 1 minute per user
LENA sends helpful group-specific notifications about participation, progress, and problems to the users associated with each group. To get the most out of LENA, each group should have at least one associated user whose account is set to receive automated texts or emails.
A user with only "View Child Name" permission can access only his/her associated groups.
1. Go to the group's screen.
If you've just created the group, you're already there! Otherwise:
- Use the drop-down menu to select the organization the group belongs to.
- Click the main menu, expand the Admin options, and select Functional Groups.
- Click on the name of the group where you need to add a user.

2. Click the Users tab, then click Add User.

3. Click the drop-down, and select the correct user from the list.

4. Click Submit.
5. Repeat to associate additional users to this group.
The first user associated with the group will be marked as the primary user, but you can select a different primary user simply by clicking the star icon under Primary. That user will move to the top of the list.