Unassign a recorder
A user who can see participant names can unassign recorders from those children.
1. From the Main Menu, under Admin, select Recorder Assignment.

2. Filter as needed to find the child or recorder.
The Recorder Assignment screen lists all Enrolled participants in the selected context (organization or group) and the corresponding recorders.
By default it shows only Enrolled children. If the child you need to work with is not listed, use the dropdown to show all children or to filter on Completed/Dropped.

If you have a very long list of children, type a name/number into the screen search to quickly jump to the child or recorder.
To unassign recorders after a group has been marked inactive, you must have permission to see the organization the group is part of. If your context menu shows only individual groups, please work with your account administrator to complete these steps.
- In the context menu, select the organization that the completed group belongs to.
- Filter on Completed/Dropped children.
- To pull up the correct recorder or child, sort by name or assigned recorders, or type a name/number in the screen search.
- In this example the list is sorted by Assigned Recorders to bring all remaining assignments to the top.
- Click the X by the serial number to unassign it.

3. Click the "x" by the recorder serial number you want to unassign.

The recorder assignment is immediately removed.
The recorder is available for assignment to another participant.