Reassign a shared recorder using Previous Recorder
Use the Previous Recorder feature to simplify recorder assignment when two or more children alternate use of a single device.
This feature is designed to be used with per recording assignment type.
The two children must be in the same organization, and the user must have permission to see both.
1. View Previous Recorders
Use the column picker on the Recorder Assignment screen to show the Previous Recorder column, if it is not already visible.
When a "per recording" device is transferred to the Hub, it is automatically unassigned. The recorder number automatically moves from the Assigned Recorders list to the Previous Recorder list for that child.
In the example below:
- The first four recorders have been unassigned after contributing recordings to the children in this list. They are not currently assigned to someone else.
- Recorder #20829 was unassigned from Frank and is also now assigned to another child, as indicated by the red triangle.

A recorder moves to the Previous Recorder list only when a recording has been submitted for that child.
If a recorder is manually unassigned prior to contributing a recording for the child, it does not move to the Previous Recorder list,
In the example, Danny's recorders have not been transferred on the Hub, so they have not been unassigned - even if his scheduled recording day has passed.
2. Locate the child in the list to see his previous recorder.
3. Click the black > arrow to quickly assign the recorder back the same child.

The serial number will move directly into the Assigned Recorders column.

In the example, the recorder that Frank Smith last used is already assigned to another child, as indicated by the red triangle.
It can still be reassigned to Frank if appropriate (for example, the other child did not complete her recording, the device is empty, and now it is Frank's turn again),
The Confirm Assignment prompt appears, as long as the other child is in the same organization and is a child you have permission to see.
- Click Assign to remove the existing assignment and move the recorder to the new child.
- Click No if you're unsure. You can investigate and come back later.

If the other child is in a different organization or in a group that you don't have permission to access, you will see Invalid Recorder Assignment. You will not be able to reassign the recorder.
Ask your LENA account administrator for help sorting out the assignment.

4. Mark the back of the recorder with assignment information.
Use a removable label or masking tape and a sharpie to mark the back of the recorder with the child's first name (or initials, or a code). This will help you to:
- cross-check the assignment during data transfer
- readily resolve reassignment questions for "per recording" assignments
Real LENA User Tip!
For shared/alternating recorders, put both children's name on the back.
Use color coded labels, and mark the name and the group, day of week, or other information to help your Hub user confirm the accuracy of the assignment at recorder transfer time.