Correct a child's date of birth

Correcting a child's birth date is a simple edit, but if the child already has recordings, Snapshots, or reading minutes, the data will need to be adjusted.

Correct the birth date

Open the child's participant record. Input the corrected birth date, re-enter it, re-confirm the age in months, and submit the changes.

Correct the data


Contact LENA Support to correct the age used in report calculations. Even though the report shows the corrected current age, data processed with the wrong date of birth will display incorrect percentiles for Home, Start, and SP programs, and may affect the room-level age bands for Grow. Please provide:

  • Child's ID number
  • Date and/or recording ID of each recording that was processed with the wrong birthdate


Contact LENA Support about correcting the Snapshot. It will need to be deleted and re-entered. Please provide:

  • Child's ID number
  • Date and/or Snapshot ID of each Snapshot that was entered with the wrong birthdate

Reading Minutes Stars (Home, Start, SP)

Altering the birth date can change whether previously reported reading minutes earn stars or not. There is no need to contact LENA support. Just be aware that the star counts may have changed with the birth date edit.