Reporting Data export: Data from recordings

The Reporting Data tab shows several export options. This article covers the CSV exports related to participant recordings.

The last section of this article serves as a data dictionary to explain the content of the export.

1. Select the highest organization or group of interest in the context menu.

If you select an organization (bold header in the hierarchy), the export will pull records for all children in that organization and in any nested suborganizations within it. 

To access data for an inactive/completed group or child, select the organization the group or child was in. You will be able to filter to see just the desired group or participant in later steps.

2. From the main menu, expand the Data section, select Data Exports.

3. Choose the Reporting Data tab.

Your options may be different from those shown in this image based on your LENA Program type.

4. Filter by date range and/or participant (optional).

Leave the date filters blank to export for all dates* for the selected context and/or participant.

*If you are exporting at the 5-minute resolution, the export will pull only the 50 most recent files within your context/date/participant parameters.

5. Click the button for the resolution you want.

Recordings option

  • One row of data for each recording

Hourly option

  • All data are reported in terms of clock-aligned hours, with one row of data for each full or partial hour within a recording

5 Minute option

  • All data are reported in terms of clock-aligned 5-minute blocks, with one row of data for each full or partial 5-minute block within a recording
  • This export is capped at 50 recordings due to the large amount of data

List of exported fields and descriptions

The language environment analysis data fields included in the export vary with program type. When your program type does not include a particular piece of data the export will include the columns, but they will be blank.

Recordings export columns

The program columns on the right indicate which language environment analysis data fields are included for exports from that program. The rest of the columns are included for all program types.

Field Description Grow  Home SP Start
ChildKey LENA Online Custom ID used to link participant data

RecordingDate Date the recording began

StartTime Time recording began, in local time zone of participant’s organization

EndTime Time recording ended, in local time zone of participant’s organization

Duration_Secs Recording duration, in seconds

AWC_COUNT Adult Word Count: Number of adult words spoken to and near child

Home, SP, Start
  • Value represents the 12-hr projected count for recordings at least 9.5 hours in duration
  • Value represents the actual count for recordings that are shorter than 9.5 hours

Home, Start

  • First valid, non-hidden recording value represents the Hawthorne-corrected 12-hr projected count


  • Value represents the actual count 
x x x x
AWC_PCTL Adult Word Count Percentile corresponding to the 12-hr projected count - blank for recordings <9.5 hrs
x x x
AWC_SS Adult Word Count Standard Score corresponding to the 12-hr projected count - blank for recordings <9.5 hrs
x x x
CT_COUNT Conversational Turns Count: Number of turns child engaged in with an adult

Home, SP, Start
  • Value represents the 12-hr projected count for recordings at least 9.5 hours in duration
  • Value represents the actual count for recordings that are shorter than 9.5 hours

Home, Start

  • First valid, non-hidden recording value represents the Hawthorne-corrected 12-hr projected count


  • Value represents the actual count 
x x x x
CT_PCTL Conversation Turns Percentile corresponding to the 12-hr projected count - blank for recordings <9.5 hrs
x x x
CT_SS Conversational Turns Standard Score corresponding to the 12-hr projected count - blank for recordings <9.5 hrs
x x x

Child Vocalizations Count: Number of speech-related sounds produced by the child

Home, SP, Start

  • Value represents the 12-hr projected count for recordings at least 9.5 hours in duration
  • Value represents the actual count for recordings that are shorter than 9.5 hours


  • Value represents the actual count 
x x x x
CV_PCTL Child Vocalizations Percentile corresponding to 12-hr projected count - blank for recordings <9.5 hrs
x x x
CV_SS Child Vocalizations Standard Score corresponding to 12-hr projected count - blank for recordings <9.5 hrs
x x x
TV_Secs Duration, in seconds, coming from television or other electronic sources x x x x
AVA_PCTL Automatic Vocalization Assessment Percentile
x x x
AVA_SS Automatic Vocalization Assessment Standard Score
x x x
VP_PCTL Vocal Productivity Percentile

VP_SS Vocal Productivity Standard Score

Meaningful Duration, in seconds, coming from all near and clear human sources. NOT A COUNT. x
Non_Meaningful Duration, in seconds, coming from all non-human sources, overlapping sounds, and human sources that are not "near and clear." NOT A COUNT. x

Distant Duration, in seconds, coming from all far-field human sources. NOT A COUNT.

TV_Elec Duration, in seconds, coming from television or other electronic sources. NOT A COUNT.

Overlap Duration, in seconds, coded as speech overlapping with something else. NOT A COUNT.

Noise Duration, in seconds, coming from all near noises (bumps, claps, etc.). NOT A COUNT.

Silence Duration, in seconds, in which there is little to no ambient sound. NOT A COUNT. x
ProgramType LENA Grow, LENA Home, LENA SP, or LENA Start (2, 2.1, 3.0)

OrgID LENA Online database ID number for participant’s organization

GroupID LENA Online database ID number for participant’s current functional group

RecGroupID LENA Online database ID number for the group the child was in when the recording was processed

ParticipantID LENA Online database ID number for participant

ExternalReferenceID Participant External Reference ID

Recording_DOB Participant date of birth in participant record at time of recording transfer

Recording_Gender Gender model in in algorithm set used in processing the data.
Corresponds to the gender information on the participant record at time of recording transfer.
Note: Recordings for participants with Gender = "Prefer to specify" at the time of transfer are processed with the female model, for the simple reason that the computer code for processing requires a binary selection. It has no impact on the processing results or reports, nor is it any sort of statement on gender. Gender information was built into the processing algorithms early on to allow for the possibility that it might impact child speaker and child vocalization identification. Later evaluation indicated that gender model used had no impact on the processing results, but the binary model selection was already baked into the processing code. (Note that LENA does not use separate gender-based percentile rankings either.) In order to allow LENA users more flexibility while still being able to process their data, we essentially flipped a coin to default to the female model when the child’s gender is otherwise specified.    

Recording ID LENA Online database ID number for recording

HiddenRec T or F: True hides display of a recording from the participant report as well as group reports and roll-up data

ExcludeFromAnalysis T or F: Used as indicator to include in or exclude participant data from analyses. Does not exclude from reports or roll-up data.

FilteredRec T or F: True if a recording meets program-level criteria for invalid recording

ErrorCodes Lists codes for any errors associated with file
E1. Not enough child speech
E2. Recording duration <10 hours
E3. Not enough child and adult speech
E4. Too noisy. Too much overlapping noise impacting the recording
E5. Does not exist as an error code
E6. Grow: Recording too short
E7. Grow: Can't calculate start/end times

RecorderSerialNumber Serial number of recorder used to capture recording

ITS_File_Name Name of Interpretive Time Segment (.its) file. Reflects transfer date, transfer time, and recorder serial number: YYYYMMDD_HHMMSS_000000.its

Note: Device contents that LENA Hub has split into separate recordings due to a long pause are appended with _# indicating the order of the recordings, e.g., YYMMDD_HHMMSS_000000_1.its, YYMMDD_HHMMSS_000000_2.its, etc.

DatabaseInsertDateTime Local date and time recording data was committed to LENA Online database; aligned to time zone of participant’s organization

RecorderTransferDateTime Local date and time data was transferred from recorder for processing; aligned to time zone of participant’s organization

Timezone Time zone for organization of which participant is a member

Offset_Secs Time zone offset, in seconds, comparing organization time zone to GMT

Pause_Count Number of times the recorder was turned on within this recording, after recording was initiated. For example, a value of 1 indicates Record-Pause-Record. If zero, the recording is solid, without pauses.

Hourly and 5 Min export columns

The program columns on the right indicate which language environment analysis data fields are included for exports from that program. The rest of the columns are included for all program types.

Field Description Grow  Home SP Start
ChildKey LENA Online Custom ID used to link participant data

RecordingDate Date participant began recording

StartTime Start time for this row, in local time zone of participant’s organization

EndTime End time for this row, in local time zone of participant’s organization

Duration_Secs Recording duration, in seconds

AWC_COUNT Adult Word Count: Number of adult words spoken to and near child
  • Value represents the actual count in this interval
x x x x
CT_COUNT Conversational Turns Count: Number of turns child engaged in with an adult
  • Value represents the actual count in this interval
x x x x

Child Vocalization Count: Number of speech related sounds produced by the child

  • Value represents the actual count in this interval
x x x x
TV_Secs Duration, in seconds, coming from television or other electronic sources x x x x
IT_Secs Legacy data point - no longer used. Ignore. x

Meaningful Duration, in seconds, coming from all near and clear human sources. NOT A COUNT. x
Non_Meaningful Duration, in seconds, coming from all non-human sources, overlapping sounds, and human sources that are not "near and clear." NOT A COUNT. x

Distant Duration, in seconds, coming from all far-field human sources. NOT A COUNT.

TV_Elec Duration, in seconds, coming from television or other electronic sources. NOT A COUNT.

Overlap Duration, in seconds, coded as speech overlapping with something else. NOT A COUNT.

Noise Duration, in seconds, coming from all near noises (bumps, claps, etc.). NOT A COUNT.

Silence Duration, in seconds, in which there is little to no ambient sound. NOT A COUNT. x
ProgramType LENA Grow, LENA Home, LENA SP, or LENA Start (2, 2.1, 3.0)

OrgID LENA Online database ID number for participant’s organization

GroupID LENA Online database ID number for participant’s current functional group

RecGroupID LENA Online database ID number for the group the child was in when the recording was processed

ParticipantID LENA Online database ID number for participant

ExternalReferenceID Participant External Reference ID

Recording_DOB Participant date of birth in participant record at time of recording transfer

Recording_Gender Gender model in in algorithm set used in processing the data.
Corresponds to the gender information on the participant record at time of recording transfer.
Note: Recordings for participants with Gender = "Prefer to specify" at the time of transfer are processed with the female model, for the simple reason that the computer code for processing requires a binary selection. It has no impact on the processing results or reports, nor is it any sort of statement on gender. Gender information was built into the processing algorithms early on to allow for the possibility that it might impact child speaker and child vocalization identification. Later evaluation indicated that gender model used had no impact on the processing results, but the binary model selection was already baked into the processing code. (Note that LENA does not use separate gender-based percentile rankings either.) In order to allow LENA users more flexibility while still being able to process their data, we essentially flipped a coin to default to the female model when the child’s gender is otherwise specified.   

Recording ID LENA Online database ID number for recording

HiddenRec T or F: True hides display of a recording from the participant report as well as group reports and roll-up data

ExcludeFromAnalysis T or F: Used as indicator to include in or exclude participant data from analyses. Does not exclude from reports or roll-up data.

FilteredRec T or F: True if a recording meets program-level criteria for invalid recording

ErrorCodes Lists codes for any errors associated with file
E1. Not enough child speech
E2. Recording duration <10 hours
E3. Not enough child and adult speech
E4. Too noisy. Too much overlapping noise impacting the recording
E5. Does not exist as an error code
E6. Grow: Recording too short
E7. Grow: Can't calculate start/end times

RecorderSerialNumber Serial number of recorder used to capture recording

ITS_File_Name Name of Interpretive Time Segment (.its) file. Reflects transfer date, transfer time, and recorder serial number: YYYYMMDD_HHMMSS_000000.its

Note: Device contents that LENA Hub has split into separate recordings due to a long pause are appended with _# indicating the order of the recordings, e.g., YYMMDD_HHMMSS_000000_1.its, YYMMDD_HHMMSS_000000_2, etc.

DatabaseInsertDateTime Local date and time recording record was committed to LENA Online database; aligned to time zone of participant’s organization

RecorderTransferDateTime Local date and time data was transferred from recorder for processing; aligned to time zone of participant’s organization

Timezone Time zone for organization of which participant is a member