Operational data exports: Participants

The Participants export returns participant enrollment information, demographics, and caregiver information on all participants in all groups at and below the selected context, including inactive groups and dropped/completed children.

It does not include information about contributions/participation, such as number of recordings, Snapshot dates, or attendance. These data are available in the corresponding exports.

This export is available to any LENA user.

1. Select the highest organization of interest in the context menu.

To export for a single group only, select that group.

2. From the main menu, expand the Data section, select Data Exports, and then choose the Operational Data tab.

(Note: Your list of tabs may be different, as available options differ by LENA program type.)

3. Filter by date range (optional).

Leave dates blank to export all data.

4. Click the Participant button at the bottom of the screen.

The exported CSV can be opened as a spreadsheet in Excel.

Click here for a list of exported fields and their descriptions.
LENA database ID number of the organization in which the participant is located
GroupID LENA database ID number of the group to which the participant is currently associated
ParticipantID Participant's LENA database ID number
ExternalReferenceID External reference ID, if entered
ChildKey Unique LENA database code associated with the child
ParticipantName Participant's name (Last,First)
Shows the child's LENA ID or ERID instead if export is done by a user without View Child Name permission
EnrollmentStatus Participant's current enrollment status - Enrolled, Completed, or Dropped
EnrolledDate Date the participant was enrolled in LENA
CompletedDate Date the participant was completed (set by user)
DroppedDate Date the participant was dropped (set by user)
User-selected reason for dropping the participant
DroppedReasonOther User-entered free text information about why the participant was dropped, if no preset option chosen
Gender Participant gender (male / female / specified)
GenderOther User-entered free text accompanying selection of Prefer to Specify option for Gender
DOB Participant's date of birth
ExcludeFromAnalysis Flag indicating whether the child should be excluded from analysis.
- Has no impact on data displayed
- Is independent of organization's exclusion flag, and does not flow through to exclusion flags on recordings.
Caregiver1Name / Caregiver2Name
Caregiver's name (Last,First)
Masked if export is done by a user without View Child Name permission
Caregiver1Relationship / Caregiver2Relationship Caregiver's relationship to child (e.g., mother, father, aunt, guardian)
Blank if export is done by a user without View Child Name permission
Caregiver1PreferredLanguage / Caregiver2PreferredLanguage
Preferred language for this caregiver
Blank if export is done by a user without View Child Name Permission
Caregiver1TextingNumber / Caregiver2TextingNumber Caregiver's email address
Blank if export is done by a user without View Child Name permission
Caregiver1Email / Caregiver2Email Caregiver's email address
Blank if export is done by a user without View Child Name permission
Race/ethnicity category or categories selected in participant demographics
User-entered free text accompanying selection of Other option for race/ethnicity
Home language selected in participant demographics
User-entered free text accompanying selection of Other option for home language
Highest degree obtained by child's primary caregiver
Address Participant street address as entered from consent form
Masked if export is done by a user without View Child Name permission
City Participant city as entered from consent form
Masked if export is done by a user without View Child Name permission
State Participant state as entered from consent form
Masked if export is done by a user without View Child Name permission
ZipCode Participant ZIP code as entered from consent form
Masked if export is done by a user without View Child Name permission
DatabaseInsertDateTime Date and time when the participant was added to the system