Participants screen
Use the Participants screen to:
- Add a new participant
- View basic information about participants in an organization or group
- Change a participant's enrollment status (enrolled, completed, or dropped)
- Add, view, edit, or remove a caregiver's information
- Move a participant to a different group in the same partner organization
What's on the Participant screen?
Use these features on the main Participants screen to get the information you need:
- Context selector - click to show participants in the organization or group of interest
- New Participant button - click to open participant creation screen
- Status filter - show all children, or filter on only enrolled, completed, or dropped participants
- Links to child records - click any existing participant's first name to open his/her individual record for editing

- Sorting - click any column to sort the list
- Screen search - filter the information on this screen by any string of numbers or letters
- Column selector - choose the types of information to display - LENA will remember your selections on this computer
- Export button - save the information currently displayed on the screen to a file

Access via the Main Menu, under Admin. (Your Admin options may differ from those shown in the image below.)

The participant list screen is available to all users with View Child Name permission (including account administrators), within that user's set of visible organizations and/or groups.
Users without View Child Name do not have the Participants option in the main menu, and cannot access an individual participant's screen from the system search results.